最適化されたチャートレンダリングエンジンによって、読み込み時間が短縮され、バッテリー寿命が最大 25% 増加します。
リアルなレビュー 2025
お客様のフィードバックは、サービスを改善し、具体的なニーズに合わせたより良い取引体験を提供するのに役立ちます。評価の閲覧や、独自の提案をすることができます。どうぞご意見をお聞かせください!. 評価の閲覧や、独自の提案をすることができます。どうぞご意見をお聞かせください!!
2022-04-05 06:02:07
I really appreciate your response in all my requirement ,enquiry and your fast money transactions especially in withdrawal. Thank you very much.
1. And i would like to mention that. your normal currency pair has low payout.but OTC has high pay out.
2. and another issue i felt is , drawing tools like horizontal and trend line and its duplication is difficult compare with other platforms.
1. And i would like to mention that. your normal currency pair has low payout.but OTC has high pay out.
2. and another issue i felt is , drawing tools like horizontal and trend line and its duplication is difficult compare with other platforms.
2022-04-05 01:28:21
2022-04-02 22:02:54
PO TRADE is a trustworthy and reputable binary options broker that places a high priority on the privacy of its clients.
2022-03-30 18:15:11
I appreciate your support and follow-up on customer needs, I hope it continues
2022-03-24 09:04:23
That's amazing that to have great platform for traders. Pro traders earning thousands of dollars. And we can see each profile of trader. Great platform
2022-03-24 08:11:21
من با خیلی از بروکر ها کار کردم اما پلتفرم پاکت را دوست دارم . و تا حالا پاکت آپشن به من پرداخت داشته و مشکلی نداشتم و امیدوارم از این به بعد هم بتونم با این پلتفرم زیبا
کار کنم و تا زمانی پرداخت داشته باشد ما کار میکنیم
کار کنم و تا زمانی پرداخت داشته باشد ما کار میکنیم
2022-03-19 13:38:49
the best
2022-03-19 13:38:40
best broker
2022-03-19 08:37:44
Great platform and easy to use.
I also love the idea of gems rewarding system! ^_^
I also love the idea of gems rewarding system! ^_^
2022-03-18 19:15:57
Excellent trading platform ever in 2022 and it will be the best of all time and ever ..
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