Le moteur de rendu de graphiques optimisés réduit le temps de chargement et augmente la durée de vie de la batterie jusqu'à 25 %.

Commentaires 2024

Vos commentaires nous aident à améliorer le service et à vous offrir une meilleure expérience de trading adaptée à vos besoins spécifiques. Consultez le classement et laissez vos propres suggestions. Nous apprécions vos commentaires.!

Avis des clients

2022-06-02 17:32:32
It is very good and has regular payments. It has credit. It has a very high profit. It is great for earning money. Thanks to the PO TRADE team.
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2022-06-02 15:26:16
It is very good and has regular payments. It has credit. It has a very high profit. It is great for earning money. Thanks to the PO TRADE team.
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2022-05-31 22:42:36
The platform is very good. The profit of the markets is very high with 98% profit. It has practical tools. Payments are regular. Be sure to try and register. user radhakishan
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2022-05-31 21:38:00
Amazing app and fast payout. Would not pick another broker
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2022-05-30 20:56:02
PO TRADE Best on the best
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2022-05-27 17:50:56
Thanks for the prompt support always...

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2022-05-27 11:47:54
Thanks alot
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2022-05-26 03:41:46
I highly recommend everyone to at least try this platform. Never go into it thinking that it is “easy” money, it takes skill and mental control to get at this. There are many ways to trade and make money, this is one. Stick to a single strategy and keep going. Nice platform overall and smooth, also having things to work towards with achievements
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2022-05-25 11:55:24
PO TRADE is the best broker I've ever trade with
Kind support team and perfectional chart features.
Thank you PO TRADE
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2022-05-24 16:04:14
سلام و درود دوست عزیز
من چند سالی دارم با بروکر شما کار میکنم
الان بعد از چند سال امروز دپوزیت کردم ۵ دلار ولی ۶.۵ دلار از والت وب مانی برداشت کرد
چرا برای وب مانی کارمزد صفر بوده الان کارمزد میگیرین
و ۱۰۰ دلار زدم میگه ۱۳۰ دلار باید پرداخت کنید
علت میشه بگین
طبق شرایط سایت دپوزیت وب مانی کارمزد نداره
تورو خدا راهنمایی کنید
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Hello! This is not a commission, this is a conversion rate. 1 USD = 1.3 WMZ. 1 Year ago it was 1 USD = 1 WMZ. Now Webmoney has a lower rate than it was before.

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