Le moteur de rendu de graphiques optimisés réduit le temps de chargement et augmente la durée de vie de la batterie jusqu'à 25 %.

Commentaires 2024

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Avis des clients

2021-08-14 19:34:50
Best Broker
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2021-08-14 06:26:23
One of the best trading platforms. I have good experience with PO TRADE. Good customer support, all transactions are tracked, information is given through mail. Quick deposits and it takes minimum time for withdrawal. I love this application. Giving more market options. Happy trading!
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2021-08-12 16:43:47
Love the simplicity of this app!
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2021-08-12 06:54:30
what a great a fluid app.
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2021-08-12 05:35:56
I LOVE USING INDICATORS! Closeoptions could NEVER! smh
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2021-08-11 13:00:38
Everything is perfect. Support is quite responsive and very easy to make money, I highly recommend it to everyone
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2021-08-10 22:06:12
Most reliable, trustworthy broker I’ve been in, payments been quick and fast and the system is great
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2021-08-10 20:41:54
PO TRADEs is pretty good. It's pretty much an all or nothing situation. For one, you really have to take your money and trading seriously. Pretty good... withdrawals and compounding... withdrawals and compounding.
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2021-08-09 01:34:57
Je suis le trader ID22160895 , la plateforme est fiable r.a.s pour les depot et retrait
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2021-08-07 02:20:58
Excellent place to trade but app and website needs maintenance. The website sometimes laggy when you try to enter in a trade and the app is unscaled when you put in a trade for however long the duration the app registers your trade a second sooner than what time duration was for or it will say you won a trade and take back the funds when close the app and reopen it. Otherwise excellent app overall. -Raiku
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